Grigori Grabovoi's teaching about the EARTH


What about your awareness of the earth?

Do you want to expand it and improve your life in the process?

Can you imagine that it is enough to have a goal in mind and to achieve this goal by simply reading a text?

12 in stock


This lecture on the earth is simply magical. Although magic is the wrong term here. The facts presented here are both ancient and new. However, the new kind of connection to the earth that is established through this creates an almost magical feeling of unity and development, which gives you the feeling that you can move mountains.

Can you imagine that it is enough to have a goal in mind and to achieve this goal by simply reading a text?

This is exactly what happens in this lecture by Grabovoi. Because the earth plays a particularly important role in our development. To finally understand this and thus achieve more in life - that is the aim of Grigori Grabovoi's "Teaching about the Earth" from 2003.

Are you ready to learn more about your role on earth and the role of the earth in your life?


In English, the title is "Doctrine about the Earth"

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